The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era [BL]

Chapter 110 - BEING LUCKY

"THAT\'S it!  That one was simply perfect," Director Trevane exclaimed.  "Good job everyone!"

Astrid was about to stand up from where he was lying when a hand appeared in front of him.  He raised his head and saw that it was Lauren.  He smiled and took his hand.  The other pulled him up. 

"That was great, Astrid!  If it was any other newcomer, I\'m sure such a scene would take hundreds of takes before the Director passed it," the other said exaggeratedly.

Astrid only chuckled.  "I don\'t think it would take a hundred.  Besides, I was only able to do my best because everyone was great."

He didn\'t say that just so the people around him could have a good impression of him.  It was what he truly felt.  A good scene could only be called good if all the actors in it were able to perform well.  If at least one wasn\'t up to par, then that scene would be as good ruined.  The only way to save it was through the director\'s skill.

A great director could make even an average actor/actress a great one. 

He was lucky that his first acting gig, all the actors (and one actress) he had to work with all had talent.  Even more so, that the director of the movie was very serious in his craft and not the type to engage in \'dirty\' business.

This role had provided him first-hand experience on how filming in this era was like.  There was hardly any difference from how it was in his previous life.  His only problem was the cameras. 

Unlike in ancient Earth, the cameras used to film in this era were the size of a baseball ball.  They were floating around during every scene to capture everything.  He found it a bit hard to find the right angle.  Even until now, he wasn\'t still accustomed to it.  That\'s why in some scenes that he could do in just one take, he had to do it in three-four times. 

Not to mention the special effects that was shown through holographic.  There was no need for green screens anymore.  A holographic device could easily show the effects that were needed.  For artists who were used to that, it was definitely much more useful compared to the green screens where one needed to pretend as if there was something there.  At least, with a holographic device, it would be much easier to act.

The problem was, he sometimes got surprised whenever a special effect suddenly appeared.  And it affected his performance one way or another.  He truly needed to get used to do that.   

He hoped that once school started, things like that would be taught to him.

"Aw, you\'re so sweet," Lauren said.

He was about to hug Astrid but someone suddenly pulled his ear and, in a way, also pulling him away from the teenager.  His first thought was that it was that guard dog – Andreas.  But he quickly rejected that idea.  Because in the past day since he\'d met him, despite all the glaring and scowling he had been doing, the other hadn\'t been physical with him.  Not really sure if he should be thanking him for that.  Anyway, he\'s still annoying in his opinion.

But the force used to pull his ear wasn\'t that hard.  It\'s like someone was just softly pinching him.  This was definitely not Andreas.

And just as he expected, when he turned to the side, the one he saw was Sienna.

He groaned.  "Sister Sienna, don\'t pull my ear."

"Then you should stop that bad habit of yours," Sienna said, scolding Lauren.  "Have you already forgotten what your agent has told you?  No generating scandal in this movie."

Lauren pouted.  "But I\'ve been a very good boy during this filming, don\'t you think?"

"Yes, and you should continue to do so," Sienna said, letting go of the other\'s ear.  Then she turned to Atrid, her attitude going completely 180.  "I\'ve heard what you said just now.  I think it\'s the opposite, you know?  It\'s because you\'re so good that we also have to up our game.  It wouldn\'t look too good now if we couldn\'t even keep up with you, right?"

"She\'s right," said Stephen who was passing by them and happened to hear what Sienna just said.  "You really are quite the talent."

He could feel it in the scenes they were together, albeit a few.  Just like what Sienna had said, he had to up his game just to match the other\'s intensity.  Or else, it would appear like he was being tagged along by Astrid\'s acting.  Now, that wouldn\'t look good.

Astrid felt a bit embarrassed.  He actually didn\'t expect to receive such compliments from artists he would work with in his first job in this life.  The worst-case scenario was him being isolated or being harassed.  He truly got lucky with this one.

Maybe accidentally meeting Cassius Grimaldi during that hostage taking/bombing incident wasn\'t that bad after all.  Heavens still pitied him and immediately gave him this opportunity.

"Thank you," he could only humbly say.

"Astrid, come here for a bit!" called the director suddenly.

Astrid smiled at the three before walking towards where Director Trevane was.

"Yes, Director?"

"You must know that you would film your last scene later this evening," the director started.

Astrid nodded.  It was two days earlier than expected. 

"Because you have been so great, our filming schedule has also speeded up."  And that was simply not an exaggeration.  The teenager was so easy to film that he barely felt any stressed at all during the other\'s scenes.  "In two days, the filming will end.  There will be a party to celebrate that.  I would really like it if you could stay until then." 

"Of course, Director.  I will definitely be there," Astrid quickly said. 

The director gave a hearty laugh which didn\'t really match his stern appearance.  "Good, good."

After that talk he walked towards Reas and the two of them went to the dressing room so he could remove his make-up and costume.

"So, I guess we wouldn\'t be leaving tomorrow," Reas commented, hearing what his brother and the director talked about.

"Apparently so."  Astrid raised his head and smiled at Reas.  "Let\'s just have fun here for two more days."

Reas only grunted.  What fun?  He could hardly find anything fun in this planet.  But still, he only nodded in agreement.

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