Reborn as the Hero's Daughter

Chapter 174: Coordinating the Stories

Chapter 174: Coordinating the Stories

Just as I captured Count Tarkashire, Maxwell’s familiar that was patrolling outside returned. This time around, we were technically trespassers that wreaked havoc inside, so the pigeon was keeping watch outside so we wouldn’t get mistakenly arrested. Well, ‘mistakenly’ wasn’t exactly the correct way of putting it either.

“Re… Nico-, I mean, Haumea. The situation is starting to get noisy out there.” “Have they discovered the corpse at the front?”

The gate guard has been left off where I killed him. Anyone could obviously tell that it was a corpse at a glance, and when that happened it would inevitably lead to clamor.

We had a just cause of saving Elliot, plus the backing of Maxwell. We wouldn’t be branded as criminals, sure, but I was in my illusionary form now. If they started questioning me now, it would most likely get found out.

“That pigeon can… talk?” “Yeah, this bird is Maxwell… Lord Maxwell’s familiar.” “Why did you pause there…?”

He saw through that I hesitated to call that old man with an honorific and made that unnecessary comment.

“Hmm? You can act a bit more respectful towards me, you know? Come on, try it.” “You s?h?i?t?t?y old fart…” “Huh!?”

Maxwell’s teasing made me retort with my true feelings. That made Elliot retreat a step back in shock.

Whoops. I’ve had to deal with that geezer’s teasing hobby since my previous life. I had to just tough it up and ignore it for now.

“No, it’s nothing, ohoho… Putting that aside, do you have any injuries, Elliot?”

I smoothed over the situation with a fake laugh and asked about his condition. If they wanted to make him infertile, it could’ve been done instantly. I was asking him if anything like that had happened.

Then again, if it really did get “crushed”, he wouldn’t be acting so carefree now.

“Ah, yes. I just got punched by a bit, but haven’t suffered any… Wait, what about Priscilla!”

He acted like he discarded Priscilla earlier due to his position, but he was worried about her in reality.

His expression suddenly changed and attempted to rush outside. But since his legs were in fetters, he couldn’t get away from the desk.

“She’s alright. Maxwell… Lord Maxwell is currently healing her.” “Lord Maxwell? But how did he find that place…?” “It seems he heard about the appointment and his curiosity has led him to follow behind.” “He was following me…?” “No, me. He is truly a mischievous person.”

I criticized Maxwell’s childish behavior.

The familiar landed nearby. Normally, it would’ve sat on my shoulder or head, but doing that with the illusion on me was risky. Restraining Tarkashire with my knee was still fine, but my upper half was too different from my real form.

“More importantly, leaving Elliot aside, it would be problematic for you if people gather, right, Haumea?” “Oh, yea… I mean, yes it would be. My apologies, but would it be alright if I leave the rest to you, Lord Elliot?” “To me?” “I will cover for you for the most part. Few would protest when they see my familiar being involved.” “I am grateful for that, but… If that’s the case, wouldn’t it be fine if she stays too?” “She has reasons why she can’t do that. It’s similar to the matter of you and your identity.”

Only Maxwell, Cortina, Letina, and I knew about his real identity in the academy. Even his coworkers weren’t aware that he was royalty. This was also Maxwell’s way of getting him familiar with how the world worked, but he used that same excuse to cover for me now.

“…I see. I was being inconsiderate. I apologize.” “No, please don’t worry about it.”

As I accepted his apology, the familiar drew a magic circle with its beak. Then it followed up with a chant and cast Unlock.

“What the, even your familiar can use magic…?”

Now that I think about it, it also used Apport a while ago. Impressed by its skill, I ended up asking that using my natural speech. Of course, this time I made sure Elliot did not hear it.

He was also surprised to see a familiar use magic.

“This magic is not hard to cast as long as the target is within the view. Of course, the longer the distance the more magic power it consumes, but it would do you well to remember that it can be used this way.” “Why thank you for explaining.”

Though I was actually thankful for him. I could remove Elliot’s fetters if I crouched near his legs, but there was the risk of him coming into contact with my body.

My upper half was considerably different from my actual body, so touching it could get me found out. As such, I was wondering how to deal with it.

While Elliot was busy removing his unlocked fetters, I decided to leave the place.

“Well then, Elliot. I have quite a few secrets, so I’ll be taking my leave with this. I left Count Tarkashire bound there, so deal with him however you wish.” “Ah, okay.” “And one more thing. Our plans were ruined by this today, but would it be alright if I get in touch with you later?”

I was worried whether he’d be put off by me after seeing how I took Tarkashire down before his eyes, so I asked that in a roundabout way.

However, Elliot instead looked bashful and nodded his head with vigor. That childish conduct made me break into a smile.

“Well then, I’ll go check the place the other man had run off to. But I probably won’t come back…” “I am truly sorry for getting you rolled up in my own blunder.” “It’s okay. Rather than that, please go tend to your servant. She’s a very devoted girl, you know?” “Of course!”

Elliot responded with a bright smile. Following that, I proceeded into the secret passage.

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