Monarch of Evernight

Volume 3 - 14: Little Girl

The little girl pursed her pink lips and swept her big, black eyes across the the hunters standing on the opposite side and the dark warriors. Then, she nodded strongly.

A Blood Esquire said respectfully to the demonkin, “What should we do now, Lord Masefield?”

The demonkin youth’s face darkened, “What should we do? Kill them all of course! But I can warn you that this battle is not easy as you think. Even if someone were to escape, I will not dip my hands into this fight. Small fries who are not even at the level of champions yet do not deserve the intervention of a member of the ancient and noble Masefield Family!”

Yu Renyan’s expression was heavy as he slowly took off his short cape and tossed it on the ground. Then, he discarded the survival equipment bag behind his back and said, “Don’t hold yourself back. Use everything in your power. If you do not have a trump card, then think of a way to take someone down with you. Trust me, dying in battle here would be a far luckier fate than to fall into their hands alive!”

The dark warriors began to approach them. Yu Renyan bent his body slightly before he broke off into a run, charging head on into a Blood Esquire. Naturally, the Blood Esquire would not turn down the challenge of a low ranking human. He too began to speed up and charge as well.

Both people increased their speed to the max and solidly rammed into one another!

The dull noise of bodies ramming against one another was like a toothache. Be it the Blood Esquire or Yu Renyan, they both looked to be technique oriented warriors. The foolhardy clash of strength between the two sides was truly surprising. Therefore, it looked more like an accident than a premeditated affair. However, while the clash was beyond the Blood Esquire’s expectation, it was a deliberate move by Yu Renyan.

The duo separated staggeringly. A hole had appeared in Yu Renyan’s stomach, and even his wriggling intestines were exposed! However, that Blood Esquire continued to stand tall a dozen or so meters away looking just as vigorous as ever.

Yu Renyan smiled coldly while stretching out a right hand. Suddenly, he was holding a heart in his palm. It was a vampire’s heart!

Yu Renyan let out a frightening smile at the dark warriors and stuffed the heart into his own mouth. After chewing it for a couple of times, he swallowed the heart down his throat right away. When his mouth opened it was as if his lower jaw did not exist at all just like a snake’s mouth. It seemed like it was capable of swallowing anything no matter how big it might be.

The fact that they had lost a companion upon first contact surprised and enraged the other Blood Esquires. The immediately charged forwards without any more reservations. A bloody battle was about to erupt in an instant!

After a couple of bangs from origin guns, they entered melee combat in an instant.

The intense battle did not last for long before a glaring silver light lit up on the battlefield. However, the demonkin youth observing the battle stared right into the silver light with utter carelessness, whereas the Blood Esquires’ eyes all became covered in a layer of blood energy, obstructing the silver light’s corrosion. Meanwhile, the dark warriors were starting to adjust the positions of their joint attack to avoid the brunt. While this kind of flashbang was effective against low ranking vampire warriors, vampires at the Blood Esquire level already had plenty of defensive measures against it.

What followed after the silver light was an intense explosion. The youngest hunter had triggered all the explosives on his body beforehand, and the silver explosive fragments that burst forth took a couple of dark warriors to death with him and damaged a Blood Esquire who failed to dodge out of the way in time.

The oldest hunter suddenly relinquished the defenses over his body and leaped onto that Blood Esquire who hadn’t managed to stand still yet. Then, another loud explosion followed!

After the explosion was over, the duo’s shadows were no longer present at the center of the explosion.

As if sharing a mutual understanding with each other, the remaining three hunters suddenly did everything in their power to attack a Blood Esquire together, while Yu Renyan delayed the last Blood Esquire by trading wounds blow after blow with him. When the surrounding dark warriors noticed that sensed that the situation was not too encouraging, they no longer cared about their superior’s honor or the threat of explosives and swarmed the hunters while attacking all at once.

Masefield frowned and said in a low voice, “A bunch of trash! You go help them. Let’s treat this as a small… cheat.”

The little girl walked towards the battlefield while carrying the butcher knife. Her little body dragged the square blade that looked not much shorter than her, and it looked like it would fall off her hands at any moment. A long, deep mark was left on the ground where she dragged the blade behind her back.

The Blood Esquire who was surrounded was the highest ranking out of the four, and he actually calmed down during the dangerous moment. Every block and dodge he made were perfectly steady, and his defenses were extremely firm. Meanwhile, the dark warriors at the perimeter landed attacks onto the three hunters nonstop and adding new wounds on their bodies. It was at this moment a hunter let out an odd laughter and reached out for the grenade at his waist!

A slight breeze seemed to pass by, and the hunter’s laughter abruptly came to a stop!

Before they knew it, the little girl had appeared behind his back. The butcher knife was lifted as light as air in the air, and as it was swung horizontally in an arc she lightly cut off his right arm and his elbow at the same time! The hunter’s elbow fell and rolled a couple of times on the ground along with the trapped grenade, but the grenade did not explode. The young girl had cleverly broke off the detonator with vibration at the same time she cut off his arm.

While the hunter was still in shock, several dark race warriors immediately slashed at him randomly with their blades and killed him.

After she had dealt the blow, the little girl did not even wait for the results to happen before retreating out of the fray. There was not the slightest hesitation in her at all, forbidding the remaining two hunters from grabbing onto any opportunity of a counter attack.

Yu Renyan’s faint colored pupils shrank, and suddenly, with a blade wound as the cost, he pulled away from his opponent and flashed behind the little girl in an instant, stabbing the short knife in his hand right into the back of her heart.

The little girl obviously had her back towards Yu Renyan, but as if she had seen his attack with her own eyes, she suddenly leaped powerfully to the side and avoided the attack. She happened to land right beside a dark warrior as she extended a hand and pulled at the other party’s battle robes. When the other party lowered his head to look at her in surprise, she abruptly gave him a push.

The dark warrior was nearly pushed to the ground despite his level of strength. He stumbled for a couple of steps and happened to block right in front of Yu Renyan’s forward path, forcefully interrupting his sudden charge skill. However, the dark warrior paid a price as well as Yu Renyan’s mithril knife plunged into his chest and twisted his heart into pieces.

The little girl had already made her way out from behind the dark warrior’s back, and once again the butcher knife floated into the air as if it had no weight at all. With a horizontal slash, it drew a huge wound across Yu Renyan’s leg.

Yu Renyan let out a dull groan, and finally he withdrew his scorn and focused in preparation for her next attack. This girl might only be at rank three, but her combat style was extremely strange. Every one of her attack angles were unexpected, and the might behind each attack were unusually huge.

However, the little girl did not continue the attack. Instead, without stopping her charge she ran far away and right towards the other two hunters’ battlefield.

The square butcher knife flew out of her hand in midair, rotating and slicing towards the back of a hunter’s heart.

“Watch out!” Yu Renyan cried out loudly.

A hunter lifted his head in amazement, whereas the other hunter made up his mind and triggered all of the explosives on his bodies at once.

The intense explosions blasted the dark warriors until they were a complete mess. The Blood Esquire flew backwards as blood instantly drenched half of his body. For a time, he actually failed to climb onto his feet.

However, the little girl had switched directions and escaped the second she tossed out the square butcher knife. Right now she had ran far enough that she was only flipped around once by the shockwave and added some scratch wounds to her body. She quickly climbed onto her feet and ran without any pause towards the demonkin youth.

At this point, the hunter squad had been annihilated. The sacrifices of the last three hunters did not bring much damage to the enemy either. Naturally, this was the work of the little girl.

Yu Renyan immediately made the snap decision to turn around and escape.

The Blood Esquire who was hurt the slightest let out a fierce howl before throwing out a half meter long square thorn abruptly! Like lightning, the square thorn pierced through Yu Renyan’s back before exiting his front chest, the surplus force carrying with it a long string of blood droplets and finally dropping to the ground dozens or so meters away.

Yu Renyan let out a dull groan, but rather than slowing down he became even faster, and in the blink of an eye he had already escaped the battlefield and ran towards the depths of the wasteland. The Blood Esquire’s expression was extremely ugly. He never imagined that this human’s body was so strong that he could escape even after suffering such a severe injury. He gauged his own abilities. Even though a vampire was known for their speed, it did not look like he could catch up to Yu Renyan no matter what.

The Blood Esquire turned around to look at the demonkin youth, but before he could even ask for help the demonkin youth already said coldly, “I’ve said before that a worm like this is not worthy of my hand. Can’t you catch up to him?”

When Masefield said this, there was obvious killing intent behind his words. The Blood Esquire trembled all over and forced himself to say, “No, I can! I’ll chase after him right now.”

Suddenly, Masefield raised his hands and waved lightly. A barely discernible black thread wrapped twice around the Blood Esquire’s neck like a living thing before it disappeared.

The Blood Esquire’s expression instantly froze, and his head suddenly separated from his body and fell on the floor. The wound on the neck was unusually bright and clean, and the flesh and tissue had actually all crystallized at once, leaving behind not a drop of blood.

Masefield looked at Blood Esquire’s head on the floor and said with slightly fed up tone, “You can’t catch up to him, and I hate it when people lie in front of me!”

The surviving dark warriors all trembled with fear.

The demonkin youth rubbed the little girl’s hair and said, “You did well! You can always give me a pleasant surprise that exceeds your supposed combat power. On this point, you are much better than those idiots. Follow me well. You will enjoy ample amount of rewards.”

He swept another glance at the dark warriors and instructed, “Sweep the battlefield and place a few cannon fodders at the perimeter just like before. Now that the little worm has escaped, it should not be long before a true big fish will take the hook. I will be waiting right here for them! Now, the game has truly begun.”

It was as if all the humans in the few big cities in the Boulderstone Region, including those Champion level personages were just big fishes that could be cooked at any moment in the eyes of this young Masefield.

A new day had arrived. As usual, Qianye cultivated and stabilized his own realm. After three days of rest, the normal blood energies had returned to seven in total, and the gold blood energy had turned into a cocoon and was currently hibernating in silence. The normal blood energies had finally escaped the fate of being devoured. In comparison, the purple blood energy was much more gentler. It would consume at most two or three normal blood energies before it was full, and even its digestion took up to several days.

However, after the afternoon the house door was knocked as a hunter yelled from outside the entrance, “Is Qianye around? Old 2 needs you for something urgent. He needs you to go to the Home of Hunters once!”

“I’m coming right down!” After Qianye had changed his clothes, he hastily followed the hunter back to the Home of Hunters!”

A light off road vehicle was parked at the entrance of Home of Hunters. Old 2 was already on the car. When he saw Qianye, he beckoned him and said, “Come up! I’m bringing you to see a person. He should be someone you know.”

“Is it related to that mission?” Qianye was a little confused.

Old 2 said heavily, “No, it is related to another matter. A very… unfortunate matter.”

When the off road vehicle made its way to Dark Blood City’s military hospital, Qianye never imagined that the person he would be seeing was Yu Renyan.

Right now, the man who could be said to be a formidable enemy was lying face up on an operating table with eyes staring emptily at the ceiling. The doctor pulled over a white sheet to cover up his body, and shook his head at the people coming inside. Bloodstain spread continuously over the sheet, and it swiftly turned into a purple black color.

“This is Yu Renyan, the Dark Blade special ops commander of the imperial expeditionary force sent from Blackflow City. Right now, his other identity is a five star hunter. For the past time, he had killed a lot of dark blooded bastards, but something went wrong with this current operation. Our few best hunters were all dead, and he was the only one who managed to escape and return. During that last battle, he had exhausted all of his life force, and he was not for this world much longer.”

Once he was finished, Old 2 sighed and said to Qianye, “He said he recognized you, and that he wishes to see you before his death no matter what. Go and have a chat!”

Old 2 and the rest left the sick ward. Qianye walked beside the operating table and looked at the opponent whom he had once fought a desperate battle against.

Yu Renyan rolled his eyes and saw Qianye. He let out a strained smile and opened his mouth slightly. Qianye immediately went closer, for it was the only way to hear what he wanted to say clearly.

“Qi Yue’s true father is.. The expeditionary forces’ military counselor Changwu… Zhengnan. They had been trading secretly with the dark races all this time, and not just weapons but humans… as well…”

Qianye’s heart trembled slightly,

Yu Renyan’s breathing suddenly turned rapid. It was obvious that he was about to reach the end of his life. His eyes began to turn lax as he said disjointedly, “Watch out… a little girl! Help me take care of… her. This is great. I can finally die on the… battlefield…”

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